Edo names Dictionary
John Dewey Quotes
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 “All genuine learning comes through experience.”
― John Dewey
“Knowledge is no longer an immobile solid; it has been liquefied. it is actively moving in all the currents of society itself.”
― John Dewey
“Not perfection as a final goal, but the ever-enduring process of perfecting, maturing, refining is the aim of living.”
― John Dewey
“Art is not the possession of the few who are recognized writers, painters, musicians; it is the authentic expression of any and all individuality.”
― John Dewey
 “An idea is a method of evading, circumventing or surmounting through reflection, obstacles that otherwise would have to be attacked by brute force.”
― John Dewey
 “The first step in freeing men from external chains was to emancipate them from the internal chains of false beliefs and ideals."
―John Dewey
“A person who is trained to consider his actions, to undertake them deliberately, is in so far forth disciplined. Add to this ability a power to endure in an intelligently chosen course..”
― John Dewey
“Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife.”
― John Dewey
“It is a familiar and significant saying that a problem well put is half-solved.”
― John Dewey
 “Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.”
― John Dewey
“Language exists only when it is listened to as well as spoken. The hearer is an indispensable partner.”
― John Dewey
“Forty years spent in wandering in a wilderness like that of the present is not a sad fate – unless one attempts to make himself believe that the wilderness is after all itself the promised land.”
― John Dewey
 “Popular psychology is a mass of cant, of slush and of superstition worthy of the most flourishing days of the medicine man.”
― John Dewey
“One lives with so many bad deeds on one’s conscience and some good intentions in one’s heart.”
― John Dewey
“The only way to abolish war is to make peace seem heroic.
― John Dewey
 “The most important attitude that can be formed is that of desire to go on learning.”
― John Dewey
“All learning begins when our comfortable ideas turn out to be inadequate.”
― John Dewey
“Without some goals and some efforts to reach it, no man can live.”
― John Dewey
“One can think effectively only when one is willing to endure suspense and to undergo the trouble of searching.”
― John Dewey
“Nature is the mother and the habitat of man, even if sometimes a stepmother and an unfriendly home.”
― John Dewey
. “Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination."
― John Dewey
“The belief that all genuine education comes about through experience does not mean that all experiences are genuinely or equally educative.”
― John Dewey
“The religious is any activity pursued in behalf of an ideal end against obstacles and in spite of threats of personal loss because of its general and enduring value.”
― John Dewey
John Dewey
John Dewey
John Dewey
Nationality:  American
Born: October 20, 1859 Burlington,  Vermont, United States
Occupation: Philosopher,
psychologist, and Educationalist