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Thomas Jefferson  Quotes
•“Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Half a loaf is better than no bread” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Self-love is no part of morality. Indeed it is exactly its counterpart. It is the sole antagonist of virtue leading us constantly by our propensities to self-gratification in violation of our moral duties to others.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Everything is useful which contributes to fix in the principles and practices of virtue.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“A Man's management of his own purse speaks volumes about character” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“when you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principle, stand like a rock.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“1.Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day. 
2.Never trouble another for what you can do yourself. 
3.Never spend your money before you have it. 
4.Never buy what you do not want, because it is cheap; it will be dear to you. 
5.Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold. 
6.We never repent of having eaten too little. 
7.Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. 
8.How much pain have cost us the evils which have never happened. 
9.Take things always by their smooth handle. 
10.When angry, count ten, before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Every Generation Needs a New Revolution” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Every day is lost in which we do not learn something useful. Man has no nobler or more valuable possession than time.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“We are afraid of the known and afraid of the unknown. That is our daily life and in that there is no hope, and therefore every form of philosophy, every form of theological concept, is merely an escape from the actual reality of what is. All outward forms of change brought about by wars, revolutions, reformations, laws and ideologies have failed completely to change the basic nature of man and therefore of society.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us that the less we use our power the greater it will be.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
― Thomas Jefferson
•“never trust a man who won't accept that there is more than one way to spell a word
― Thomas Jefferson
“But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
“A room without books is like a life without meaning.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“ The Christian god can easily be pictured as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations. The Christian god is a three headed monster cruel vengeful and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging three headed beast like god one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes fools and hypocrites. ” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Every human being must be viewed according to what it is good for. For not one of us, no, not one, is perfect. And were we to love none who had imperfection, this world would be a desert for our love.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Do not be too severe upon the errors of the people, but reclaim them by enlightening them.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“The opinions and beliefs of men follow involuntarily the evidence proposed to their minds.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“The dead should not rule the living” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“When I hear another express an opinion which is not mine, I say to myself, he has a right to his opinion, as I to mine. Why should I question it? His error does me no injury, and shall I become a Don Quixote, to bring all men by force of argument to one opinion? ...Be a listener only, keep within yourself, and endeavor to establish with yourself the habit of silence, especially in politics.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“It is reasonable that everyone who asks justice should do justice” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“I find friendship to be like wine, raw when new, ripened with age, the true old man's milk and restorative cordial.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“The most fortunate of us, in our journey through life, frequently meet with calamities and misfortunes which may greatly afflict us; and, to fortify our minds against the attacks of these calamities and misfortunes, should be one of the principal studies and endeavours of our lives.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Religions are all alike -founded upon fables and mythologies.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“The care of every man's soul belongs to himself. But what if he neglect the care of it? Well what if he neglect the care of his health or his estate, which would more nearly relate to the state. Will the magistrate make a law that he not be poor or sick? Laws provide against injury from others; but not from ourselves. God himself will not save men against their wills.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“I have the consolation of having added nothing to my private fortune during my public service, and of retiring with hands clean as they are empty.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“He who knows best knows how little he knows.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason, and the mind becomes a wreck.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“A coward is much more exposed to quarrels than a man of spirit.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“Those who expect to be both ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“I'm a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the more of it I have.-” 
― Thomas Jefferson
•“As new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times.” 
― Thomas Jefferson
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