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Blaise Pascal Quotes
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"Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it."
―Blaise Pascal
"People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive."
―Blaise Pascal
"The more I see of Mankind, the more I prefer my dog."
―Blaise Pascal
"We must learn our limits. We are all something, but none of us are everything."
―Blaise Pascal
"It's not those who write the laws that have the greatest impact on society. It's those who write the songs."
―Blaise Pascal
"Knowing God without knowing our own wretchedness makes for pride. Knowing our own wretchedness without knowing God makes for despair. Knowing Jesus Christ strikes the balance because he shows us both God and our own wretchedness."
―Blaise Pascal
"We are not satisfied with real life; we want to live some imaginary life in the eyes of other people and to seem different from what we actually are."
―Blaise Pascal
"Lord, help me to do great things as though they were little, since I do them with your power; And little things as though they were great, since I do them in your name"
―Blaise Pascal
"We should seek the truth without hesitation; and, if we refuse it, we show that we value the esteem of men more than the search for truth."
―Blaise Pascal
"Mankind suffers from two excesses: to exclude reason, and to live by nothing but reason."
―Blaise Pascal
"The Christian religion teaches me two points-that there is a God whom men can know, and that their nature is so corrupt that they are unworthy of Him."
―Blaise Pascal
"Happiness is neither within us, nor without us. It is in the union of ourselves with God."
―Blaise Pascal
"The strength of a man's virtue should not be measured by his special exertions, but by his habitual acts."
―Blaise Pascal
"Man is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness from which he emerges and the infinity in which he is engulfed."
―Blaise Pascal
"Vanity is so secure in the heart of man that everyone wants to be admired: even I who write this, and you who read this."
―Blaise Pascal
"To ridicule philosophy is really to philosophize."
―Blaise Pascal
"Don't try to add more years to your life. Better add more life to your years."
―Blaise Pascal
"In difficult times carry something beautiful in your heart."
―Blaise Pascal
"If you want others to have a good opinion of you, say nothing."
―Blaise Pascal
"I bring you the gift of these four words: I believe in you."
―Blaise Pascal
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
―Blaise Pascal
"The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing."
―Blaise Pascal
"Cold words freeze people, and hot words scorch them, and bitter words make them bitter, and wrathful words make them wrathful. Kind words also produce their own image on men's souls; and a beautiful image it is. They smooth, and quiet, and comfort the hearer."
―Blaise Pascal
"If you want to be a real seeker of truth, you need to, at least once in your lifetime, doubt in, as much as it's possible, in everything."
―Blaise Pascal
"Muhammad established a religion by putting his enemies to death; Jesus Christ by commanding his followers to lay down their lives."
―Blaise Pascal
"Human life is thus only an endless illusion. Men deceive and flatter each other. No one speaks of us in our presence as he does when we are gone. Society is based on mutual hypocrisy."
―Blaise Pascal
"If ignorance were bliss, he'd be a blister"
―Blaise Pascal
"Nothing gives rest but the sincere search for truth."
―Blaise Pascal
"There is a God-shaped vacuum in every heart."
―Blaise Pascal
"Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image on men's souls, and a beautiful image it is."
―Blaise Pascal
"If I had more time I would write a shorter letter."
―Blaise Pascal
"All our dignity lies in our thoughts."
―Blaise Pascal
"Anyone who found the secret of rejoicing when things go well without being annoyed when they go badly would have found the point."
―Blaise Pascal
"Once your soul has been enlarged by a truth, it can never return to its original size."
―Blaise Pascal
"If I believe in God and life after death and you do not, and if there is no God, we both lose when we die. However, if there is a God, you still lose and I gain everything."
―Blaise Pascal
"All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone."
―Blaise Pascal
"The supreme function of reason is to show man that some things are beyond reason."
―Blaise Pascal
"Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much."
―Blaise Pascal
"I rather live as if God exists to find out that He doesn't than live as if he doesn't exist to find out He does."
―Blaise Pascal
"If you do not love too much, you do not love enough."
―Blaise Pascal
"It is the heart which perceives God and not the reason. That is what faith is: God perceived by the heart, not by the reason."
―Blaise Pascal
"There are only three types of people; those who have found God and serve him; those who have not found God and seek him, and those who live not seeking, or finding him. The first are rational and happy; the second unhappy and rational, and the third foolish and unhappy."
―Blaise Pascal
"Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary."
―Blaise Pascal
"Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself."
―Blaise Pascal
"Most of man's trouble comes from his inability to be still."
―Blaise Pascal
"There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who think they are sinners and the sinners who think they are righteous."
―Blaise Pascal
"There is enough light for those who only desire to see, and enough obscurity for those who have a contrary disposition."
―Blaise Pascal
"Imagination decides everything."
―Blaise Pascal
"One-half of the ills of life come because men are unwilling to sit down quietly for thirty minutes to think through all the possible consequences of their acts."
―Blaise Pascal
"Amusement that is excessive and followed only for its own sake, allures and deceives us."
―Blaise Pascal
"The property of power is to protect."
―Blaise Pascal
"Faith is a gift of God."
―Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal
Nationality: French
Born: June 19, 1623, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Famous As:
Philosopher, Mathematician, Physicist,Writer, Inventor and Catholic Theologian.